****************************** READMEUR.TXT **************************** * TAYLORED SOFTWARE'S * * VISUAL BASIC WIZARD * * UNREGISTERED VER 1.10.05 * * * J U L Y 9 4 * * ****************************************************************************** Below is a list of all of the files that will be found on your computers C:\VB\VBWIZ directory ( after the installation is complete ) for your unregistered copy of TAYLORED SOFTWARE'S VISUAL BASIC WIZARD FOR WINDOWS 3.1. The 3 1/2" program master disk you created as per the instructions detailed in the file DOWNLOAD.TXT should contain all of the required files that are necessary for complete program installation. After fully following the instructions as detailed in the text files DOWNLOAD.TXT and READMEUR.1ST and after program installation is complete you may then delete it ( VBWIZUR.ZIP ) as it will not be required after installation is completed but please make a backup copy of the master installation disk that you have created for your protection using the DOS (COPY OR DISKCOPY) command.At the DOS Prompt type this as follows: A:\> copy *.* B:\> OR A:\> copy *.* A:\> Please read the download.txt for program installation instructions and the readmeur.1st and license.txt agreement concerning this and any other Taylored Software products that you may utilize now or at a future date. **** When ready Press the down arrow key to move to more text.**** This file and the readmeur.1st file and the license.txt file and other pertinate text files for your viewing have been furnished with the installation files and should be read before the installation of the program is accomplished. They will also be copied to your C:\VB\VBWIZ\> directory of your computers hard drive in order that you may have further time to view and absorb certain information which is pertinate to your use and opperation of the VISUAL BABIC WIZARD'S program total and proper system operation. Please rewiew it all carefully along with and including all other asociated DOCUMENT,TEXT AND ALL THE ASSOCIATED PROGRAM HELP files that were loaded to your computer's C:\VB\VBWIZ\> DIRECTORY. The review AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE LICENSE AGREEMENT AND OTHER BINDING DATA and all of these files contained within the registered version is a requirement for your installing of these propriatery software items to your computer's hard drive. Please review all of it before attempting to install or operate the system. By doing so it might save you some headaches at a later time. The program file browse.com allows you to view this or any other textfile "online". The syntax for it's is as follows: DOS PROMPT> BROWSE README.1ST or if you wish to browse other program ASCII, DOCUMENT OR TEXT files: C:\> BROWSE VISUAL BASIC WIZARD is a registered trademarks of Taylored Software All programs on this disk are Copyrighted (C) 1994 by Taylored Software (1) This is the procedure for viewing the TAYLORED SOFTWARE'S readme.1st documentation file you are now viewing. Other .TXT OR .DOC program files may be viewed in the same manor. See the BROWSE.DOC for a description of it. By use of the below listed keys you may move forward and backward through each document before continuing to the next page. You control the action of the file using the PC's special function keys detailed as follows: PGDN advances down the document by one screen PGUP moves back up the document by one screen DN Cursor advances down the document by one line UP Cursor moves back up the document by one line ESC ends the viewing of the document ********************** INSTALLED PROGRAM FILES *********************** FOR UNREDISTERED VERSION 1.10.05 *** DISK 1 *** PROGRAM FILES ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ BROWSE.COM BROWSE RUN FILE BROWSE.DOC BROWSE DOCUMENT CLIPINDX.IDX VBCLIPPER INDEX FILE CLIPCODE.CLP VBCLIPPER DATABASE FILE DATABASE.HLP DATABASE HELP FILE DATAMGR.EXE DATA MANAGER RUN FILE DATAMGR.HLP DATA MANAGER HELP FILE DMVBMAK.LDB VBPROJECTS DATABASE INDEX FILE DMVBMAK.MDB VBPROJECTS DATABASE FILE DOCINFO.LDB VBMAGIC DATABASE INDEX FILE DOCINFO.MDB VBMAGIC DATABASE FILE DOCINFO2.LDB VBWINWIZ DATABASE INDEX FILE DOCINFO2.MDB VBWINWIZ DATABASE FILE DOWNLOAD.TXT THE DOWNLOADING INSTRUCTIONS FILE ICONMGIC.EXE ICON BUILDER RUN FILE ICONMGIC.HLP ICON BUILDER HELP FILE LICENSE.TXT PROGRAM LICENCE DOCUMENT PRINTTST.HLP PRINT TEST HELP FILE READMEUR.1ST README FIRST PROGRAM DOCUMENT REGISTER.HLP REGISTRATION HELP FILE REGISTER.TXT REGISTRATION TEXT FILE TOOLBAR.HLP TOOLBAR HELP FILE VBCLIPER.HLP VBCLIPPER HELP FILE VBCODE.BAS VBCODER DATABASE FILE VBCODE.MAS VBCODER DATABASE MASTER FILE VBCODER.HLP VBCODER HELP FILE VBCODE.IDX VBCODER DATABASE INDEX FILE VBFONTS.HLP VBFONTS HELP FILE VBGUID.LDB VBFIRMS/VBPRODUCTS DATABASE INDEX FILE VBGUID.MDB VBFIRMS/VBPRODUCTS DATABASE FILE VBMAGIC.HLP VBMAGIC HELP FILE VISUAL BASIC WIZARD is a registered trademarks of Taylored Software All programs on this disk are Copyrighted (C) 1994 by Taylored Software (2) VBMAK.HLP VBMAK HELP FILE VBMAK.LDB VBMAK DATABASE INDEX FILE VBMAK.MDB VBMAK DATABASE FILE VBNOTER.HLP VBOTER HELP FILE VBOLE.EXE VBOLE MAIN RUN FILE VBOLE.HLP VBOLE HELP FILE VBPRINT.EXE VBPRINT MAIN PRINT RUN FILE VBPRINT.HLP VBPRINT HELP FILE VBPRINT.INI VBPRINT INITIALIZATION FILE VBPAINT.HLP VBPAINT HELP FILE VBQUEUER.HLP VBQUEUER HELP FILE VBSEEK.HLP VBSEEK HELP FILE VBWINWIZ.HLP VBWINWIZ HELP FILE VBWIZ.DAT VBWIZUR DATA FILE VBWIZ.HLP VBWIZUR HELP FILE VBWIZUR.EXE VBWIZ UNREGISTERED VERSION 1.10.05 MAIN RUN FILE VBWIZUR.TXT VBWIZUR MAIN TEXT FILE VISDATA.EXE VISUAL DATA MAIN RUN FILE DYNAMIC LINKED LIBRARY FILES ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ VBPRINT.DLL THE PRINT TEST FILE CLIPPER.DLL THE VBCLIPPER FILE LZEXPAND.DLL WINDOWS FILE SETUPKIT.DLL WINDOWS FILE VISUAL BASIC VBX FILES ALL ARE REQUIRED TO OPPERATE THE PROGRAM ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ MSOLE2.VBX TKSTAT.VBX TKTBOX.VBX DESIGN.VBX GRID.VBX CMDIALOG.VBX RUN.VBX HECMDLG.VBX CRESCENT.VBX ************************INTRODUCTORY IBSTRUCTIONS************************* The above listing of the files are all the files that are needed to fully utilize your Visual Basic WIZARD program once it is installed. ========================================================================== SO NOW I HEARTLY Welcome You to TAYLORED SOFTWARE'S VISUAL BASIC WIZARD experience. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ An IBM-PC,or compatible with at least 4.0 MB of RANDOM access memory Please note: 8 MEG is highly recomended and one Hard drive and at least one floppy disk drive, an 80 column SVGA monitor, and DOS 5.0 or later and Windows 3.1 are however required for the system to operate. The total space required is approximatly 2.4 MEGA BYTES for the SHAREWARE version. I would also suggest that you have a printer so that you can make full use of all of the programs features but it is not completely necessary. This compiled version of the programs runs 2 times faster than original version 1.00. Along with the main programs there are furnished several versital and I feel indespensible programs for your use. VISUAL BASIC WIZARD is a registered trademark of Taylored Software All programs on this disk are Copyrighted (C) 1994 by Taylored Software (3) Some are EXTERNAL Program Files located after installation on your Computers C:\VB\VBWIZ\> DIRECTORY. Further discussion of the complete VISUAL BASIC WIZARD program is provided In much greater detail and length and is available in the MANY PROGRAM HELP FILES AND THE README DOCUMENTS or as contained and displayed within the MANY programs HELP FILES labeled as .HLP. The DOCUMENTS and this file can be reviewed using the BROWSE.COM program externally via dos. Please see the information contained in the BROWSE DOCUMENT FILE labeled as BROWSE.DOC. It can also be viewed with Browse.com NOTE : I RECOMMEND THAT YOU COMPLETELY REVIEW ALL OF THE DOCUMENT FILES and THE PROGRAM HELP FILES BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO RUN THE PROGRAM. NOTE : I ALSO RECOMEND THAT IF YOU HAVE A PRINTER YOU PRINT OUT A SET OF ALL THE HELP FILES AND DOCUMENTS CONTAINED IN THE MAIN PROGRAM HELP FILE VIA THE WINDOWS PRINT HELP COMMAND SO THAT ONCE REVIEWED YOU WILL HAVE THEM FOR FUTURE REFERENCE WHEN USING YOUR VISUAL BASIC WIZARD PROGRAM. Again I hope that you find it as VERSITAL and REWARDING as I have during it's creation and testing and use. So now I wish you GREAT SUCESS. P.S. Please be sure that the following is in your computers autoexec.bat file: C:\DOS\SHARE.EXE It is required to run the databases in this program Jonathan B. Taylor 8504 Van Pelt Dr. Dallas, Texas 75228 PHONE: 1-214-328-4276 MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM P.S. THANKS FOR USING OUR PRODUCT. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST HAVE "ALL" OF THE VISUAL BASIC 3.0 PROGRAM FILES LOCATED IN YOUR COMPUTERS C:\VB DIRECTORY AND "ALL" OF THE VISUAL BASIC 3.0 DLL AND ACCESSORY FILES LOCATED IN THE C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM DIRECTORY INCLUDING VBRUN200.DLL FOR THIS PROGRAM TO LOAD AND WORK. If you find that these programs are a valuable set of tools to you you are required to register your use of them within 30 DAYS. See the complete registration information contained in the HELP MENU of the main program. The approximately $78.00 that you will pay for the complete system or 68.00 for the toolbar system reimberses me for the great amount of time and effort it took to put all this valuable information togeather in a complete and working system to aid VISUAL BASIC programmers in their efforts to create new and exciting VISUAL BASIC PRODUCTS. VISUAL BASIC WIZARD is a registered trademark of Taylored Software. All programs on this disk are Copyrighted (C) 1994 by Taylored Software EOF READMEUR.TXT (A TEXT FILE)  *************************************************************************** (4)